Every hero has an origin story. Here’s ours:

While working for the top immigration companies in Singapore, we quickly realised that we were putting in long hours and using our skills to support an unethical business model. We were determined to strike out on our own and give applicants like you what you actually need to get approval for Singapore PR. Admittedly, we were scared to lose our regular monthly salaries and benefits, but we had faith that our honesty and hard work would eventually pay off.


What we aim to do:

Cover Letter Hero aims to be a disruptive force in the immigration industry in Singapore by cutting out unnecessary middlemen and giving our deserving customers the most valuable service at an affordable rate. We have helped hundreds of happy clients through word-of-mouth referrals, and have finally created a website to help more applicants gain Singapore PR status through well-written cover letters. 


Do you really need a cover letter in your Singapore PR application?

Yes, you do! And here’s why.






Cover Letter Hero的目的是成为新加坡移民行业的一支颠覆性力量,通过削减不必要的中间商,以合理的价格为我们值得信赖的客户提供最有价值的服务。我们已经通过口碑推荐帮助了数百名的客户,并最终创建了一个网站,帮助更多的申请人通过写好的推荐信获得新加坡PR身份。



是的,你需要! 这就是原因

Let us help you on your journey to becoming a Permanent Resident of Singapore!
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