singapore pr application professional

How to get Singapore PR: here’s the proven secret you need to know 如何获得新加坡永久居留权:这是您需要知道的已证实的秘密

There are many reasons why Singapore’s PR status is so highly coveted by applicants from all over the world. Becoming a Singapore PR means that you have the freedom to live and work here for as long as you want to, find a job without being limited by foreign employment quotas, purchase subsidised housing, and give your kids a world-class education. The opportunities here are endless.

As quotas are cut and requirements are tightened, acquiring PR status in Singapore is becoming more and more challenging. No single factor—be it salary, net worth, qualifications, country of origin, or marital status—determines whether your Singapore PR application will be approved. How, then, can you stand out from the thousands of other applicants and boost your chances of success?

Immigration “experts” and consultants aren’t the answer you’re looking for – we’ll explain why a little later. But first, here’s the insider’s secret weapon to boost almost any applicant’s chances of success: the cover letter. Not just any cover letter – a professional, well-structured letter that helps you make a strong, clear case for yourself (and any family members).



移民“专家”和顾问不是您要找的答案 稍后我们会解释原因。但首先,这是内部人士的秘密武器,可以提高几乎所有申请人的成功机会:推荐信。不仅仅是一封推荐信-一封专业的、结构合理的信,可以帮助您为自己(和任何家庭成员)提供有力、清晰的理由。

A great cover letter is critical to the success of your Singapore PR application 一封出色的推荐信对于您的新加坡永久居民申请的成功至关重要

Take a quick look at the ICA website and you’ll see that a cover letter is not a mandatory item in your Singapore PR application, but you shouldn’t write it off just yet. Think about how you got any job you’ve had before, or how you would choose to hire someone for a particular position. Would you pick a candidate solely based on their resume and portfolio? Chances are, you’d most likely interview the candidate before making your choice.

However, when it comes to the current Singapore PR application process, there are no interviews involved. That’s where a personalised cover letter is a useful tool to bridge the gap and can make or break your application.



It’s your chance to showcase your talents and achievements 这是您展示才能和成就的机会

If you’re a working professional, your cover letter should include a career section. Here’s where some applicants make the mistake of reiterating whatever is on their resume or CV, almost word for word, and you don’t want to do that.

Instead, provide a summary or overview of your career to date and share your plans for the future. Consider the abilities, knowledge, and character traits that make you indispensable to your employer and incorporate them. Because of the pandemic, many people have found themselves having to switch careers, so it’s important to highlight any transferable skills you have.



You get to express your unique connection to Singapore 您可以表达您与新加坡的独特联系

Everyone has a personal story of how they ended up choosing to live in Singapore. It could be due to an unexpected work opportunity, or perhaps you wanted to further your education at one of the local institutions. If you have any relatives or family members in Singapore, here’s your chance to mention that. This shows that you have personal ties to the country and are less likely to leave in the short term.

You can also share the unique characteristics that attract you to the country. Is it the lack of corruption, the great public transport system, or the cleanliness? Maybe it’s the education system, or our multiculturalism and values. Just remember that a paragraph is more than enough – there’s no need to go into too much lengthy detail.



Show how your presence improves your community 展示您的存在如何改善您的社区

Social contributions don’t always come with a certificate to prove that you donated $x amount or volunteered x number of hours. You can also describe your efforts to participate in and better your community. There are a thousand different ways you can be an upstanding resident of Singapore and make a positive impact on society.

You might be a fantastic neighbour, for instance. You might show your friends and co-workers empathy and understanding, and give them emotional support when they need it. Maybe you give advice to a more inexperienced coworker or student and impart your real-world expertise. Other ways our clients have contributed include going green and picking up litter, and supporting small businesses and hawkers in their neighbourhood.



It’s an opportunity to address shortcomings (if any) 这是解决缺点的机会(如有)

You never want to dwell on anything that may be perceived as a flaw in your letter. In most cases, it’s just best not to mention anything negative. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you have a long employment gap or extended periods of time spent out of Singapore, you may want to include a couple of sentences to explain them.


Can I write my own PR application cover letter?我可以自己写公关申请推荐信吗?

Yes, you can definitely take a stab at writing your own letter if you want to. However, it’s worth getting professional help. Crafting a good cover letter isn’t just about good grammar and perfect spelling. Your cover letter has to be well structured, concise, and most importantly, include the information that the ICA wants to see.

Just remember that your cover letter should never be long and rambling. It’s not meant to illustrate your entire life story, family history, and how you met your spouse. By looking at which cover letter formats have the highest approval rates for Singapore PR applications, we were able to figure out the perfect cover letter length and what information to include.

当然没问题。如果你愿意,你绝对可以试写白己的信。但是,获得专业帮助并制作一封好的推荐信不仅仅是唯美的语法和优美的文字内容。你的推荐信必须结构合理、简洁。最重要的是,包括移民局 希望看到的信息。


Why not engage an immigration consultancy to help you? 为什么不请求移民顾问来帮助您?

The myth of the Singapore PR points calculator 新加坡永久居民积分计算器的神话

We’re sure you’ve seen the ads from immigration companies tempting you with offers to “calculate your chances” for free. In fact, much like the price they give you for their services, these “calculations” are likely purely random figures with no basis in reality.

Once you submit the form with your contact information, you will likely receive an invitation to visit the business, where you will be cooped up in a small space for a meeting with a salesperson who is specially trained to pressure you into making a purchase. After all, his/her hefty commission depends on charging you the highest possible amount. If you are adamant in refusing their initial proposed price, you’ll suddenly be offered special, time-limited discounts.



You’re not receiving what you paid for 你没有收到你所支付的

Whether to work with an immigration consultancy firm is, of course, entirely up to you. Just take a good look at what’s really included in their packages and you will quickly realise that most of it is all fluff. They do provide you with a couple of legitimate services, albeit with questionable quality.

Firstly, they help you with filling in the application form (Form 4A). We have come across countless forms littered with spelling and factual errors, where birthdays, passport numbers, nationality, etc, were wrongly entered. Immigration experts frequently do little more than repeat information that is already easily accessible on the ICA website and instruct YOU to gather your paperwork and complete the forms yourself.

The second valid service they provide is – you guessed it – helping you craft a cover letter. Other than that, the advice they provide to every client is very generic: donate to charities and perform volunteer work to improve your chances.

More affluent applicants can definitely afford the exorbitant sums that these companies charge, but being pricey does not necessarily equate to better, and your resources—both time and money—can be used more wisely.


首先,他们会帮助您填写申请表(表格 4A)。我们遇到过无数犯低级错误的表格,其中包括输错误生日、护照号码、国籍等。移民专家通常只会重复ICA 网站上己经很容易获得的信息,并指导您收集文件并自行填写表格。


They flat-out lie about their success rates 他们对自己的成功率撒谎 

We hate to paint all these businesses with the same brush, but immigration companies are notorious for blatantly lying to their unsuspecting customers and ensuring them that their application will be approved.

We’re sure you’re aware of it, but let’s just call a spade a spade. There are locals who aren’t open to the idea of foreign talent, and many immigration consultancies were born of this anti-foreigner sentiment – they exploit applicants by heinously overcharging for what is essentially administrative work and common-sense advice.

Certain top companies also make unproven claims about the success rate of their clients’ Singapore PR applications, resulting in hundreds of complaints from angry clients. You can read the news report here:




We help you obtain Singapore PR 我们帮助您获得新加坡永久居留权

Here’s what Cover Letter Hero does for you. We argue your case for Singapore Permanent Residency through a persuasive and polished cover letter that includes your personal motivations, your contributions to Singapore, and your future plans. We understand the challenges you’ve had to overcome and the sacrifices you’ve made to get here, and we want to help you reach your goal. You get what you pay for: a strong, well-written cover letter with no hard selling and no hidden costs.

Our process is simple — make payment and you will receive a welcome email with further instructions, and a FREE Singapore PR application guide. All you have to do is complete and submit the questionnaire provided, and look forward to receiving your first draft in 5 working days! Once you receive your draft, go ahead and make any adjustments as necessary. Once the draft is finalised, you are ready to submit your letter as an additional document in your application.

Already submitted your application? Don’t fret, as additional documents such as your Cover Letter may be added while your application is still pending.

Click here to learn more.

这是 Cover Letter Hero 为您所做的。我们通过一封有说服力的精美推荐信为您争取新加坡永久居留权辩护,推荐信包括您的个人动机、您对新加坡的贡献以及您的未来计划。



How Long Does Singapore PR Application Take? 新加坡公关申请需要多长时间?

In general, application for Singapore PR take the ICA about six months to process, although some applications may take longer. The length of time your application takes to process does not have any correlation with whether your application is approved or rejected.

一般来说,新加坡永久居民的申请需要ICA 大约六个月的时间来处理,有些申请可能需要更长时间。您的申请处理时间长短与您的申请被批准或被拒绝没有任何关系。


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